Every Person's Guide to Judaism

Front Cover
Every Person's Guide to Judaism is an outstanding introduction to basic Jewish beliefs and practices. Authors Stephen J. Einstein and Lydia Kukoff describe a wide range of customs and rituals within the Jewish tradition, demonstrating the inherent connection between Jewish theology and daily living. "Mordecai M. Kaplan has aptly described Judaism as an evolving religious civilization", the authors state in their introduction. "While Judaism is a religion, it is much nore than that. Judaism encompasses religion, history, language, culture.... Being Jewish is not only being part of a faith community, it is being part of a people". Every Person's Guide to Judaism focuses on holidays, life-cycle events, aspects of faith, and contemporary Jewish life. The authors describe the cycle of the Jewish year, including the Sabbath, high holy days, major and minor festivals, ss well as new holidays such as Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Memorial Day) and Yom Ha'atsmaut (the anniversary of Israel's declaration of independence). Another important section in this book contains chapters on entering the covenant through birth or conversion, establishing a Jewish home, and the mystery of death and rituals of mourning. Einstein and Kukoff also examine the Jewish understanding of God, as well as the place of prayer in Judaism. They explain the Orthodox, Reform, Conservative, and Reconstructionist movements and explore the importance of community in Jewish life.

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