inauthor:Rafiq inauthor:Zakaria from books.google.com
The story of Razia, one of the most colorful characters in Indian history and the only queen who ever sat on the throne of Delhi, has never before been told.
inauthor:Rafiq inauthor:Zakaria from books.google.com
This Volume Presents A Historical Not A Religions Survey; It Analyses The Place Of God In Every Major Religion Cutting Across Religious Precepts And Practices And Brings Out The Continual Discovery Of The Only One Who Has Endured.
inauthor:Rafiq inauthor:Zakaria from books.google.com
"Islam is a simple religion: it requires of its followers only two things -- one, a belief in the unity of God and, two, a belief in the prophethood of Muhammad.
inauthor:Rafiq inauthor:Zakaria from books.google.com
In this era of Middle Eastern turmoil Dr. Zakaria cuts through Western hostilities to present an illuminating study of the Prophet Muhammad's unique life and achievement.